2nd cycle of elementary school

Pointe-du-Buisson offers an educational program for the 2nd cycle of elementary school, aimed at understanding the organization of a society on its territory. It connects present day social and territorial realities to the past by revealing the traces of the past on our territory. Through various activities, students discover how ancient societies adapted to and transformed their territory. To do this, they take the Pointe-du-Buisson site as an example and explore it in all its aspects.

During the visit, students are introduced to archaeology and the study of lifestyles of the past. Their imaginations are stimulated as they analyze artifacts from the past and their place in ancient lifestyles. Through comparison and categorization, students seek out links between today's society and prehistory, in order to better understand it.

The objectives of the Pointe-du-Buisson 2nd cycle of elementary school program

  • 1

    Identify the social and territorial realities of the past;

  • 2

    Recognize the traces of the past on today's territory and their significance;

  • 3

    Use the same tools and make the same gestures as an archaeologist, a specialist in researching the past;

  • 4

    Manipulate objects common to the daily lives of people of the past to discover how they result from the adaptation of ancient populations to their environment.

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