High school

Pointe-du-Buisson offers a high school educational program designed to help students understand the organization of a society on its territory, interpret a territorial issue, build global citizenship and question social realities from a historical perspective. It leads students to question the clues to the past found by archaeologists and their relationship with the transformation of territories. It also provides a deeper understanding of how people adapt to their environment. Using Pointe-du-Buisson as an example, the proposed educational program encourages students to think about the protection of natural and historic environments.

The objectives of the Pointe-du-Buisson high school program

  • 1

    Recognize the social and territorial realities of the past;

  • 2

    Identify the traces left by ancient societies to discover their meaning;

  • 3

    Use the same tools and make the same gestures as an archaeologist, a specialist in researching the past;

  • 4

    Manipulate objects common to the daily lives of people of the past to discover how technology evolves with societal and environmental transformations;

  • 5

    Analyze artifacts and observe how they provide valuable clues to the transformation of societies and the environment;

  • 6

    Develop civic awareness of protected environments.

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